Pre operative Rehabilitation  Information
Do you want to prevent complications that may arise, 
reduce post operative stay, improve functional outcomes, 
enhance post operative mobility and reduce pain ?
We can help.
For more information, leave your details and one of our Physios will call you soon to answer any questions
ADDRESS:281 Port Rd Hindmarsh        PHONE: 8346 2000             EMAIL: info@hindmarshphysio.com.au
Onsite car parking and on ground floor with disabled access
A pre-habilitation program is a physiotherapy and exercise-based program that is specifically designed for people who are about to undergo surgery in the near future. 

Repairing the underlying issues with surgery can make an impactful difference but the nerve and muscular systems remain unchanged or severely challenged despite the new joints or repairs.

It makes sense that if you are stronger around the area involved, the core and other supporting structures you will be in a better position to cope with the surgery and the rehab program post surgery.You are already a step ahead.

Our programmes are specific to the person, the surgery, your pre existing fitness and assessment findings, the recommendations of your surgeon and your lifestyle requirements.